Andreas Strübin (Tagbuch)

Our comfortable lives are going to experience disruption, distractions, among other things are not on the cards. A time for reflection. [Andreas Strübin]
suspicious ? what? why? when?
suspicious ? what? why? when?
Crisis brings out the best and worst in people. We have choices, even if they are but few. [Andreas Strübin]
Lock Down Times
Lock Down Times
2 months of restrictions are not 4 years of war - keep coool freinds - as we say in Holladn: Kop op! [andreas strübin]
Art Gives Comfort,.........(even if it's digtial)
Art Gives Comfort,.........(even if it's digtial)
we import things, we export things
we import things, we export things
the new ending of a working day -Amsterdam Houthaven Docklands
the new ending of a working day -Amsterdam Houthaven Docklands
Big Deal - Prime Time in C Times
Big Deal - Prime Time in C Times
"you ar being controled"....Beware..."Big App Watching You "
"you ar being controled"....Beware..."Big App Watching You "
unhappy hours, it's not even summer,yet
unhappy hours, it's not even summer,yet
KIDS make the best of C Boxes
KIDS make the best of C Boxes
Work goes on- we need it all! Water, Gas, Electra
Work goes on- we need it all! Water, Gas, Electra
Death is well hiden - der Tot ist Peinlich, für die Zuscahuer
Death is well hiden - der Tot ist Peinlich, für die Zuscahuer
Still waiting - but not for Godot
Still waiting - but not for Godot
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
WE experience this C epidemic by having to sit at home and treat other humans like threats and potential villains. It is confronting, changeling, nothing is the same - If you're not health, supermarket, or have a key job to - it is rather abstract. But now, my friend and buddy Ron Offerman, with whom i’ve worked together with one several creative projects was been hit and killed by this C thing. Now, NOW its become real to me. And so i say goodbye to all who made a contribution to Pan-dairy. Hope you have a brighter future. [Andreas Strübin, Amsterdam]

© Andreas Strübin