About last Sunday
Already on social distance but still free to ride my bike whereever I want. [frala004]
Yellow Sunshine
I‘m in home office for 4 days now. I take a walk in my neighbourhood every day for half an hour while keeping the distance to everybody. Has spring ever been so beautiful? [frala004]
Sunday Walk
I have never seen this place like this - but this is a good sign: most people are practicing social distancing right now (Berlin, 22.3.2020) [frala004]
#5 I have been thinking about Tchernobyl a lot lately. It happened in April 1986 and springtime was so beautiful this year. The threat was in the air and invisible like now.
#7 The Grid The word fits well with what I feel these days. It's about everyone, but somehow we all have to fit into the pattern.
#10 Corona means Crown. The sign says: Sorry, we are closed. A closed crown due to another crown. Crazy world, crazy times.
#12 Show and Hide. New times, new habbits. I have never sewn masks before. How do you show a smile when others can't see it?
#12 Cemeteries prove to be safe places to get some fresh air. Always interesting to look at disposed flowers in the trash bins.
#13 From the News In several federal states, the police have drawn a positive balance with regard to the contact restrictions, despite the sometimes spring-like temperatures and sunshine. In Brandenburg, a police spokesman said that people were "very pragmatic and sober" with it, even in Rhineland-Palatinate officials only occasionally registered violations. Tomorrow, the Corona crisis cabinet in Berlin will probably take stock of how citizens complied with the restrictions at the weekend.
#14 I walk through streets in my neighbourhood I have never been to in 30 years. Some look totally new to me as if I have travelled to another city.
#17 Graveyards are very peaceful these days. I prefer them to Berlin parks which are too crowded for me. And it is Good Friday today.
#18 Spring is a painter. Shadow trees everywhere. I would be on the Autobahn right now driving to Bavaria to visit my parents. We will skype tonight instead.
#19 Easter Sunday. Self portrait on Alexanderplatz. This place is usually packed with people. I‘m triple protected: bike helmet, sun glasses and self-made mask.
#21 Sand pit at Grunewald close to a lake called „Devils Lake“, despite its name a very peaceful place. Everybody is keeping the distance and following the rules.
#22 Nowadays, more children play on the street. They are usually busy with kindergartens and organized activities, but now they are discovering traditional games such as chalk painting on the pavement.
#23 Urban jungle in my hood. Catching the last rays of sunshine. This is the time when Berlin looks the most beautiful.
#24 Politicians have relaxed the measures against the corona virus. Relief is in the air. Maybe this feeling is wrong. Scientists are warning: we are still at the beginning of the pandemic.
#25 On the edge of town. Berlin ends here. In Brandenburg, the neighboring state, other rules apply. For the first time during the lockdown, we are approached by employees of the public order office: a longer stay i.e. sitting under the blossoming cherry trees is not allowed.
#27 I don't seem to be the only person here who is going to cemeteries for a walk these days. They seem to have a calming effect on me.
#29 I keep discovering new sights in my neighborhood. I do enjoy this kind of sight-seeing very much. Travelling without travelling.
#30 Far more people in the park than on a normal Wednesday. I don‘t feel like sitting down and be part of the crowd.
#34 Follow the rules. These are times of great uncertainty. What is allowed, what is prohibited? How do I behave correctly? I wish there was a corona traffic light.
#37 New Signs Corona is everywhere even in the forest. The sign reminds you to keep the distance of at least 1,5 meters.
#39 First time in weeks to be outside the city. Big sky. Open Space. Feels like freedom. Do I miss travelling? I miss having the choice to choose.
#40 Over the past few weeks I've seen more chalk children's drawings on the street than ever before. Or maybe since my own childhood.
#41 No Sports Today Schools are opening step by step in Berlin, but I don't think athletics will be part of the curriculum right now.
Walk the Line
#46 Heavy rain and freezing cold in Berlin. Corona and bad weather - we had so much sunshine the last days. The good side: people stay home due to the weather. [frala004]
#53 My sister and I keep up our new developed habit of cemetery walks. There are plenty more to discover in our city [Frala004]
Corona tree
#57 Children have left their mark on the squares and streets. Such a tree would probably not have existed without Corona. [frala004]
Cloud Project
I know it is still there but I‘m also happy that my creative mojo has come back. Working on my cloud project I‘m doing with other foto artist from FASB Berlin (Fotoatelier am Schönen Berg). Happy about it. #60 [Frala004]
If one could see the virus like these clouds
I submitted 61 images to pan-diary so far. When I look at my fotos they are mostly colorful and cheerful. I will remember this spring for its blue skies and bright colors which stand in deep contrast to all the bad news and sad stories I have read or watched. [Frala004]
We took a break from Corona and headed north. Five days withouth thinking about the pandemic. [frala004]
© Frauke Langguth