Serife Aslan (Tagebuch)

Outside once a week
Outside once a week
Stay at home!
Stay at home!
Today in Turkey: Curfew is imposed for 65 and older.
Stay at home!
Stay at home!
Today in Turkey: 947 cases, 21 deaths in total. [Serlfe Aslan ]
Stay at home!
Stay at home!
Stay at home!
Stay at home!
In Turkey this week, elementary schools, high schools and universities switched to distance education programme.
Inside better
Inside better
[Serife Aslan ]
a new day at home...
a new day at home...
Inside better
Inside better
How many days do we have?
Eat, sleep, repeat.
Eat, sleep, repeat.
I planned to go for a walk today, but I changed my mind. Now, I am planning to go for a walk tomorrow.
Day by day
Day by day
Today in Turkey; parks and picnic areas are closed even for a walk. Domestic travel is restricted. International flights are completely stopped.
Eat, sleep, repeat.
Eat, sleep, repeat.
Day by day
Day by day
Reading is the best thing to do.
Reading is the best thing to do.
unexpected things in unexpected places
unexpected things in unexpected places
We got new habits. Everyrhing coming home from outside washed with soap and water.
Quarantine dlet
Quarantine dlet
I am not person who likes to eat so much, but these days at home, I always want to eat something. How do you deal with it?
Now, we have two..
Now, we have two..
Home cooking- Eating three meals at home means cooking all day.
Missed things
Missed things
it feels good to see little memories.
We keep everything we buy on the balcony for a day. A crow has visited the eggs. Then we gave him two of the eggs. We should also consider stray animals. They can't find food because of quarantine.
The visitor
The visitor
This is that crow. Now, he is coming everyday.
To do list
To do list
Checked. since we are at home, there are things to do.
We went outside today, it was my baby's vaccination day. The weather was very nice, after so many days, i feel strange and nausea.
No outside my dear
No outside my dear
spring boredom
spring boredom
balcony time
balcony time
Spring is here. We are not. This weekend, curfew imposed in most cities of Turkey. I think this is just a start.
How about food stock?
How about food stock?
Three people, two cats
Three people, two cats
Stay in bed all day...
Stay in bed all day...
The shade has its own mask
The shade has its own mask
Curfew weekend, again.
Curfew weekend, again.
A lot of people are at their home quarantine. But so many people are on the street.
Tea and balcony spring
Tea and balcony spring
Home days in spring time
Home days in spring time
Time goes but so slowly
Time goes but so slowly
Ready for 4-days-curfew
Ready for 4-days-curfew
In Turkey, there is a curfew until Monday. Markets and greengrocers are so crowded today. So, we are at home again and again.
Is today last day?
Is today last day?
One more day
One more day
It will never end.
It will never end.
Market day
Market day
May is here!
May is here!
Night walk
Night walk
May days
May days
I guess april never happened.
Dark and light
Dark and light
What is ‘new normal’?
What is ‘new normal’?
Make a wish
day of vaccination
day of vaccination
Night watch
Night watch
Need a break for charging
Need a break for charging
Wait for it
Wait for it
Do something
Do something
I hope this will be last curfew.
I hope this will be last curfew.
Cat day
Cat day
19th of May
19th of May
Happy 19th of May the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
Still at home
Still at home
This walnut is for our crow.
This walnut is for our crow.
He comes everyday.
Far far away
Far far away
Last curfew
Last curfew
Four days curfew in Turkey, again.
Four days curfew in Turkey, again.
It seems this is last one. After these days, we’ll start to back normal.
Tired day but home
Tired day but home
A new home
A new home
Curfew weekend
Curfew weekend
This is last one they said.
Summer is coming
Summer is coming
Ready for new normal?
Ready for new normal?
1st of June
1st of June
Rainy in İzmir. It is unusual.
New normal garbage
New normal garbage
I saw masks everywhere on the streets. We have a new garbage item.
Getting normal
Getting normal
Will there be a second wave?
Will there be a second wave?
Quarantine drink
Quarantine drink
DIY masks
DIY masks
Morning in the balcony
Morning in the balcony
New normal accessories
New normal accessories

© Serife Aslan