Thilo Seibt (diary)

rose #1
rose #1
We now have time to watch the roses grow. [Thilo Seibt]
thirty years ago
thirty years ago
The last time I saw so many empty shelves was during the monetary union between the FRG and GDR. I read last week that people fight their fear of something unknown by having to become active somehow. [Thilo Seibt]
The children of the neighbours play in the spring sun. A quiet scene in a restless time. I'm home now. [Thilo Seibt]
The view outside
The view outside
I'm inside now. Time passes the same way on the outside as it does on the inside. Afterwards, It'll be different outside. [Thilo Seibt]
Home Office
Home Office
I work from home now. Without food, water, electricity, internet, it would not be possible. Many thanks to those who maintain the infrastructure. We should tell them that when we meet them. Sometime. [Thilo Seibt]
In Germany the curfew is being discussed. It seems necessary. The physical distance is simply not respected by everyone. We'll live in a cage. It will be unfamiliar. [Thilo Seibt]
The little house
The little house
The day is very quiet today. The walk leads to an area where people are withdrawing from the city. The spring sun is shining. The lightness is missing. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #2
rose #2
The situation is changing so fast, but my rose will not be hurried. [Thilo Seibt]
Defining moments
Defining moments
Where were you at the moon landing, at the fall of the wall, on 9/11? One day, we'll say about the situation today that we were at home. [Thilo Seibt]
Thoughts, at that time
Thoughts, at that time
The information that reaches me comes from forgotten times. Many people are suffering and dying from a disease that is threatening and spreading rapidly. Africa with Ebola was always so far away. [Thilo Seibt]
They're still working here. But for many artists the gigs have already been cancelled. Please support them during this time. [Thilo Seibt]
Thoughts are free
Thoughts are free
All information these days goes through here. Whether conversations, pictures, video everything goes through this line. [Thilo Seibt]
To go shopping only once a week was foreign to us. Now the fridge is really full for the first time. The small shops and the daily contact are missing. [Thilo Seibt]
in a cocoon
in a cocoon
The world feels wrapped up. Life indoors and outdoors is very subdued. Like this tree in spring. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #3
rose #3
Now she has opened up, on this gray day. [Thilo Seibt]
Construction sites
Construction sites
At some point the gaps will be closed. At the moment, however, almost everywhere the work is at a standstill. It has become quieter. [Thilo Seibt]
The heroes of everyday life
The heroes of everyday life
The buses are still running here at the moment. To protect the driver, everyone must get in the back. [Thilo Seibt]
In the stairwell
In the stairwell
Light and shadow. The two belong together. But they're so different. Today, they meet in the stairwell and put up with each other. [Thilo Seibt]
Our companion
Our companion
Almost every evening he passes the window. He's always there. He consoles with his constancy. But it also shows our finiteness. [Thilo Seibt]
Look up
Look up
I want to fly with the birds just once. [Thilo Seibt]
The small repairs
The small repairs
Slowly the small projects that have been planned for a long time are getting underway. For example, there is no paint to buy in the diy stores anymore. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #4
rose #4
Now I have been watching the rose grow for three weeks. I thought I'd have plenty of time to watch it grow. But the inner peace is missing. It has become beautiful. [Thilo Seibt]
Outside the city limits
Outside the city limits
We're on vacation this week. The town ends not far from where we live. Behind the last houses only fields. The sun and the wind are good for us. Actually, one doesn't want to go back at all. [Thilo Seibt]
The little spell
The little spell
Spring lures people back to the parks after the winter, which was not winter here. The rate of infection decreases and the distance between people becomes smaller. These two do not notice anything of the hustle and bustle. They only marvel. [Thilo Seibt]
Take care and stay healthy.
Take care and stay healthy.
Currently I take long walks through the city. Today I saw these two. They were playing in the spring sunshine for the old people in the park of a retirement home. The old people were happy and forgot their worries. [Thilo Seibt]
Online shopping - return
Online shopping - return
Everywhere long queues in front of the shops (here in front of the post office). The last time I saw so many was 30 years ago before the monetary union. Like the empty shelves (which are now filled again)... [Thilo Seibt]
Better urban air
Better urban air
Otherwise, I see planes taking off or landing here every evening at one-minute intervals. Today, 2000 passengers come into the city every day. [Thilo Seibt]
Life goes on, doesn't it?
Life goes on, doesn't it?
In the parks the distance is still maintained. On the sidewalk it gets fuller again. There the distance has become smaller. With the economic impact, social solidarity is decreasing. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #5
rose #5
It has survived the last frosty nights. She's gotten old fast. Now it needs some protection from the warm spring winds so that it can flower even longer. We'll take care of her and enjoy her. [Thilo Seibt]
Easter walk
Easter walk
I know we are still privileged here in Germany. There's a contact ban and no complete lockdown yet. We went to the countryside at noon today. The few people in the forest got out of the way. And they all said hello. This is not usually done. Maybe they think we are the last living people they meet. [Thilo Seibt]
The view to the outside
The view to the outside
After the holidays worked at home again. Again only conference calls and e-mails. [Thilo Seibt]
Video call of the Blaue Ampel
Video call of the Blaue Ampel
During the first half hour, the telephone calls must first be explained and then the drinks must be fetched. After that we can talk about actions and photographs. Everyone is fine. [Thilo Seibt]
In the time it takes for the cabs to shut down
In the time it takes for the cabs to shut down
I drove through town today and found this parking lot. It is still very quiet on the streets of Berlin. The contact ban has been extended until May 4th. [Thilo Seibt]
Reading Corner
Reading Corner
I like to sit here in winter. Now in spring, I'd be out on the town at night. [Thilo Seibt]
solo entertainer
solo entertainer
His orders have all been canceled. He doesn´t just want to rehearse in the basement. Now he plays for us in the neighborhood out of the car. And the sun smiles for all of us. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #6
rose #6
Now the edges are getting a little wrinkled. I am now happy about every day she lasts. [Thilo Seibt]
online world
online world
I currently spend a lot of time online with friends and colleagues. Tomorrow I will go to the office and see my colleagues for the first time after 5 weeks. Of course we keep our distance. I look forward to seeing them. [Thilo Seibt]
It is not over yet
It is not over yet
On the way back home I was stuck in traffic for half an hour. There is a lot of discussion about relaxing the measures. People and the economy are getting impatient. In Singapore today, the shutdown was tightened again after the second wave of infection. [Thilo Seibt]
I always pass him on my way to work. In his dialectic, how would he evaluate our time today. What would this drama be called? [Thilo Seibt]
Change of Perspective
Change of Perspective
Let's take a look at my plants from below. [Thilo Seibt]
Traces of other lockdowns
Traces of other lockdowns
At that time people sat in our cellar and waited for the all-clear. They could hear the danger. Today the situation is not so clear. [Thilo Seibt]
The lights dimmed the city. After the last days of spring on the streets, it was very quiet today. It suited the situation better. [Thilo Seibt]
rose #7
rose #7
My rose fell off the bush three days ago. The same day, a very dear person died. Half a year ago, Hein handed over his post as helmsman of the lifeboat service after 25 years. He was often at sea and saved lives. Now he wanted to spend his retirement on land with his family. He did not die of Corona, but that does not make his death less bitter. [Thilo Seibt]
Home office
Home office
Now even the home office is closed. [Thilo Seibt]
Online world
Online world
Much is happening online now. We phone, write to each other, send each other photos. But there are also completely different formats, such as theatre in video chat or classical music from the shared flat. I am curious to see what will continue to exist after Corona. [Thilo Seibt]
Today it washed away the dust of the last weeks. For a moment I thought about whether after the rain the carefree spring would finally begin. Unfortunately it won't be like that. [Thilo Seibt]
Light and shadow leap across the lawn. Above us the trees rustle. A normal spring day. The provisional hospital in Berlin was completed in only four weeks. [Thilo Seibt]
easing of the restrictions
easing of the restrictions
In the shops we have to wear masks now. With sunglasses, we all look like robbers. We are still allowed to do sports without masks and sunglasses. [Thilo Seibt]
stay at home
stay at home
From time to time you should open your windows. Especially if you live in an area where people like to spray and tag. [Thilo Seibt]
Today by the river. The water flows.
Today by the river. The water flows.
So far we've weathered the pandemic well. Now the first measures are being relaxed. Why is shopping and soccer so important. We just realized that we can do without. Maybe after the second wave more people will ask themselves what is important. [Thilo Seibt]
My old phone
My old phone
There are video calls almost every evening. Now even the grandparents can do it. Today I found my old phone again. How did you dial the numbers in the old days? [Thilo Seibt]
A quick look out the stairwell window
A quick look out the stairwell window
On the way to the office I only see a few cars, bicycles and children. The atmosphere in the morning is comparable to that of the summer holidays. The city is still amazingly quiet. [Thilo Seibt]
In the Tiergarten
In the Tiergarten
A small impression of my way to work. I now cycle this route twice a week. We are supposed to work normally again. I think we worked normally in the home office too. The old structures need control. [Thilo Seibt]
Flowering chestnuts
Flowering chestnuts
This is where a crow makes its nest. When I work at home, I get to watch it build. Unfortunately, the slowness I had in watching the rose has passed. What will we have left of this time? [Thilo Seibt]
Relaxation and history - Secret lake
Relaxation and history - Secret lake
Today in Berlin the liberation from fascism is commemorated with a holiday. Many Berliners were able to travel to the surrounding area. We walked through the forests where the Soviet army was stationed 30 years ago. The green of the beeches and the clear lakes know nothing of the loosening and the history. [Thilo Seibt ]
The virus, the danger is forgotten
The virus, the danger is forgotten
The quieter it was yesterday at the lake on the outskirts of Berlin, the fuller our lake is today in the city. There was often no distance between people. The desire for closeness is simply there. As of today, the number of infections is rising again. [Thilo Seibt]
Masked times
Masked times
The masks cover the facial expressions. The smile disappears when the flowers are handed over. Today many people bought flowers for their mothers. [Thilo Seibt]
The news is not optimistic. Things are continuing as before the crisis. Polarization continues to increase. There is more and more black and white. The greys are disappearing. We should save them from extinction. [Thilo Seibt]
All day long I communicate by voice or video via computer. Only the first time was quieter. The pictures and the text at Pan-diary have meanwhile become little lovable notes in the evening. Thanks. [Thilo Seibt]
Conversations with friends
Conversations with friends
Spent another evening at home. On the phone we already arrange to meet for better times. We all hope, but we're careful. [Thilo Seibt]
Red and White
Red and White
The barrier tapes are now no longer seen so often. But they will still remain in my memory as a symbol of this spring. [Thilo Seibt]
photo exhibit
photo exhibit
A little look at my desk. It's things that don't have a response yet. Many exhibitions have been cancelled or are uncertain. During this time very interesting projects are being developed. I am curious about the time after that. [Thilo Seibt]
Yesterday the beer gardens were allowed to reopen. But today it was too cold for many. It says in the movie ad: "The sun always rises again, because there is no darkness forever." [Thilo Seibt]
The Fairytale Fountain
The Fairytale Fountain
People forget quickly. Today was again an almost normal Sunday in Berlin. People go for a walk and sit in the café at a distance. But the Märchenbrunnen remains a quiet place in the city even now. [Thilo Seibt]
More and more normality is coming into everyday life. This is good, but we should write down what positive experiences we have had. We quickly forget. Slowness, reductions, desires... [Thilo Seibt]
A consequence from Home Office
A consequence from Home Office
Since we were often on the balcony in spring, we probably disturbed the nest building. This year our birdhouse will remain empty. [Thilo Seibt]
inside and out
inside and out
A view into the dark night. Quickly took a photo before going to bed. [Thilo Seibt]
Bad route
Bad route
I found this ingrown road sign in the woods today. The old roads are still excellent although they have been overgrown for a long time. They are arduous and lead to old destinations. We need new roads. [Thilo Seibt]
Sales of toilet paper have collapsed. It's interesting what headlines will be remembered. [Thilo Seibt]
It must still be queued up while shopping. You also got used to the masks. Fortunately they can be taken off outside. [Thilo Seibt]
Hygiene rules
Hygiene rules
The invitation to wash my hands reminds me strongly of my childhood. Except that I'm being asked to do it more often today. [Thilo Seibt]
Basement stairs
Basement stairs
These stairs lead up. What will we find there? We'll see in the coming weeks. [Thilo Seibt]
nightingales and frogs
nightingales and frogs
Since there were no dates, cultural events and photo meetings, we often moved around the block in the evening. There was no need for an apology and we didn't miss a thing. Today the nightingales and the frogs sang for us. In the middle of Berlin. [Thilo Seibt]
I took the subway again a long time ago. The cars are empty. On some lines, many people don't wear masks out of protest or indifference. [Thilo Seibt]
Summer evening on the balcony
Summer evening on the balcony
The restrictions have been eased again somewhat. We now visit each other and tell each other about the past weeks. We drink a good wine. [Thilo Seibt ]
Today begins a long weekend. Many have gone to the gardens. During the crisis many have worked in the gardens. They are all very well maintained. [Thilo Seibt]
Fly your kite
Fly your kite
Many have left the city over the holidays. The parks are not so crowded and the mothers can fly kites for the children. An almost normal life, if it wasn't for the distance. [Thilo Seibt]
Just like a man bathing with his dog
Just like a man bathing with his dog
As so often we go hiking in Brandenburg (the state around Berlin) on weekends. There are many forests, fields and lakes. It is a very beautiful landscape. Exactly one year ago we took the night train to the Krakow Photomonth Festival. These little trips are now gone. The world has become smaller. [Thilo Seibt]
Silent movie cinema
Silent movie cinema
The old cinema is still closed. At present, classical concerts and improvised plays are filmed there. The community can then watch them at home. Completely new formats in art are emerging. [Thilo Seibt]
The view from the balcony
The view from the balcony
After the neighbours' children have gone to bed and the swifts have flown their rounds, it becomes quiet. The city has not yet found its rhythm again. [Thilo Seibt ]
I found this gravestone today in the cemetery. A bow to the deceased. In modern times it is also a gesture for the saviors, the heroes of everyday life and the peaceful demonstrators in US. [Thilo Seibt ]
above us
above us
On this picture you can find 13 swifts. They have been back for some time now, showing their flying skills over the roofs of Berlin. [Thilo Seibt]
Bird food
Bird food
With the coffee in the morning I can watch the tits here. A small but very nice detail when working from home. [Thilo Seibt]
The café is open again. The menu can now be downloaded contactless at every table as a QR code. Also the payment, all contactless. But eating, drinking and telling stories is as usual. [Thilo Seibt]
Birch grove
Birch grove
Once a year we hang our photographs between the birch trees here with friends. At the moment there is no audience passing by here. We will have to wait with our open air gallery. [Thilo Seibt]
A glass of wine
A glass of wine
After the sale of toilet paper, more alcohol was also bought in Germany. This was also due to the closed bars and restaurants. [Thilo Seibt]
Rush hour
Rush hour
Many still work from home. In the morning in the subway going to the city center, there are still many seats available. [Thilo Seibt]
In summer many people come to work by bicycle. The subways are still empty. The distance can be kept. It will be more difficult in the rain and later in the cold. [Thilo Seibt]
Stage and gallery
Stage and gallery
In our local cultural centre "Brotfabrik" the tables are already well occupied again. The cinema, the theatre and the gallery are slowly starting to work again. It is nice to be back here. [Thilo Seibt]
My car is my castle
My car is my castle
This year many Germans are on holiday in Germany. Already in the corona time many people drove with their caravans or converted vans to the lakes and into the forests. A little journey into the past. [Thilo Seibt]
The right to free speech
The right to free speech
After the loosening, it was also possible to demonstrate again. Like at the beginning there is a car demonstration today. Tomorrow there will be another big demonstration against racism. There will be a call to keep the distance. [Thilo Seibt]
Summer Holidays
Summer Holidays
More and more people are going on holiday. The motorways are full again. The rigidity is gone. Here at the forest lakes of Brandenburg you can keep the distance. It should be difficult at the sea. [Thilo Seibt]
Above the graves
Above the graves
It is already late on our walk through the cemetery. So far my family and I have been lucky. But there is more and more news about deceased and healed with aftereffects. [Thilo Seibt]
Swifts live their whole life in the air. They only come down to us for breeding. What a life up there. [Thilo Seibt]
Nature takes back its space for a short time.
Nature takes back its space for a short time.
Before the crisis a new house should be built here. The apartments were very expensive for the area. Now the project can no longer be found. [Thilo Seibt]
Park office
Park office
[Thilo Seibt]
First trip
First trip
The first trips lead to the parents. Today we went to Regensburg. Here the mask duty is taken much more seriously and in the beer gardens contact sheets have to be filled out. [Thilo Seibt]
On the bus
On the bus
This is where social self-control works. In Berlin many people no longer wear a mask. In many situations you are asked about your mask here. [Thilo Seibt]
Today with the Benedictines
Today with the Benedictines
In the monastery church red and white plastic bands show the distances. The plastic is a strong irritating contrast. [Thilo Seibt]
Normal Life
Normal Life
During these nights many people sit by the river and enjoy the warmth. People talk, sing, laugh, kiss. The distance and the masks are forgotten in these nights. [Thilo Seibt]

© Thilo Seibt