Ebba Dangschat (diary)

Dystopic Arera
Dystopic Arera
Finally time for a long walk. Discovering abandoned places like this public swimming pool in the middle of our district...dystopic long before coronadays... [Ebba Dangschat]
sportslounge closed
sportslounge closed
I'm not a soccer fan, but the empty fields are strange to look at during these sunny days. the sportslounge seems to be shut down for a longer period...
unemployed carriers
unemployed carriers
the elder people might be told: "Stay home"...
Love Birds
Love Birds
Our rooftops are the new gardens and parcs...I see the shilhouette of youngsters from all over the roofs enjoying the sunset and just to be among friends...like these love birds.
Stay the fuck home
Stay the fuck home
this rude message was to be read when i was waiting in the line in front of our bakery...the bistro went bancrupt a few days ago.
snowy springtime
snowy springtime
Days of disorder - even the weather goes mad in these springt days. Today we went back to winter in Berlin. Snowflakes everywhere fading instantly when touching the ground - no sledding as always in our latitudes...
in the trees
in the trees
the girls from our house play persistently in the garden, bount together like spring flowers under the light sky...
First they take Manhattan...
First they take Manhattan...
I was taking a ride on my bike to a quarter near by. Looking into a shop window I saw these huge red insects, landing somewhere in the middle of an intersection...
Kein Grund zum Verzweifeln...
Kein Grund zum Verzweifeln...
Manche Passanten scheinen auf etwas zu warten und wissen nicht, aus welcher Richtung es kommt...
city walker
city walker
I took a suburbian train today. Exit on an empty town with empty streets. I crossed the empty park along the empty playground. Back to Berlin a stranger was passing, hurrying up for another train while putting on his rubber gloves...
castle burning
castle burning
yesterday I was driving by car when I saw our new old castle burning. My heart was pounding even if we're used to bad daily news in these times. I imagine how it must have felt in 9/11 when suddenly the towers fell down... [Ebba Dangschat]
In our neighbourhood people put things they don't need on the window ledges. In the last weeks there're lots of gifts to take away, like old books or mucked out clothes for those who might need it. In our street some one left this donation in front of his window... better not use it, since carnival is over, isn't it..? [Ebba Dangschat]
Ebba Dangschat
Ebba Dangschat
...another leftover on our neighbour's window ledge.
Ebba Dangschat
Ebba Dangschat
In front of our ice cream parlor you find marks on the ground for queueing people...some people are following the advice, some don't.

© Ebba Dangschat